Oct 13, 2008

Getting Out Of Debt Using Ebay

I haven't posted any getting out of debt updates lately as I've been busy working on my debt reduction plan. As many of you know much of my getting out of debt plan revolves around using affiliate programs like the Ebay publishers network. The flexibility that EPN allows when creating websites has proven to be a greate money maker for me. I've continued to average over $500 per month to apply to my outstanding debt using primarily the ebay affiliate program. Many people ran into issues over the last few month with some of the automated ebay store software and google. It seems google either didn't like the software or those using it weren't following Google's publishing policies. I did fall prey to some of the deindexing by Google on some of my EPN sites but overall I've still been able to continue to reduce my debt with the traffic I recieve from yahoo, msn and other search engines.

If you looking for the easiest way to get started in making extra income to reduce your debt consider utilizing the ebay publishers network. It does require having an ebay account, website and I recommend a paypal account as well. If you've never created a website I suggest starting with a blogger blog like this one to start working on your debt reduction plan. There are plenty of alternative ways to make extra income to pay down your debt, pay off bills or eliminate student loans. The biggest factor in using a website to create extra income for paying off debt is getting started. The longer you put it off the longer it will take. One of the biggest factors in getting a good site that can generate income for your debts is time. Websites in general carry more weight with the search engines the longer they have been around, that's why it's important to start working on your plan to get out of debt today. The second most important factor is getting links to your site. I'll cover that more later or send you some good sites to review. This isn't really an instructional site but more of a personal motivation site to let myself and others know that you can get out of debt with extra income from online options.

Aug 18, 2008

Making Extra Income To Get Out Of Debt

If you've been following me you'll know I've set a long term goal to get out of debt using online means. July was a pretty decent month with a combined income of $498.23to add to my existing debt. Most of this is coming from using the ebay affiliate network combined with blogs and other software to drive users to ebay. Making extra income this way has been the easiest as it doesnt require much effort on my part. Getting out of debt using the ebay affiliate program seem to be a viable option for now but I'm not sure about the long term results.

I've decided to stop buying domains strictly to make extra income with ebay and have turned my focus towards creating quality content blogs and websites and utilizing google adsense and other affiliate network programs to bring in revenue. If I can maintain the current earnings from my other sites are around $500 a month and add the same amount using quality content sites I'll be getting out of debt in no time. I'm also looking into doing some freelance writing to bring in extra income to add to my get out of debt plan. I've found a few sites that pay really well for 200-500 word articles which are fairly easy to make.

Jul 7, 2008

Getting Out Of Debt Right On Schedule

I was amazed by my results for June and must say my Get out of Debt plan is progressing nicely. In a previous post I mentioned that I was going to pass $250 for the month, actually I passed $300. I'm quite pleased with my initial attempts and results at using online methods to help get out of debt, pay off my student loans and clear out those credit cards. I know I'm not getting rich at $300/month but let me tell you that's extra money I can use to make payments on a couple of my outstanding bills. If you'll notice since I've started I've had a pretty steady increase in online income and if it continues I should be right on track with my 5 year plan. Many people I know have told me I'm crazy spending my extra time doing this. The biggest thing people say is that you can't make enough extra income online to keep out of debt. Well If I hadn't changed my ways of thinking they probably would have been right. Getting out of debt as I mentioned before requires a complete change of lifestyle and way of thinking. I for one am glad to at least be making steps towards eliminating my debt and keeping my spending in line with my income. You don't see me getting my house foreclosed on. :) Well not yet anyway.
On a side note I just checked my stats for the month of July and I've already surpassed half of last month. Good thing I didn't listen to all those negative thinkers. Oh well time to call it a night tomorrow is another work day.

Jun 29, 2008

Getting Out Of Debt Requires Commitment

If you are like me and have decided to get out of debt once and for all, you need to be aware that this takes a big commitment. You will have to change your lifestyle, spending habits, personal finance and in general your whole way of thinking. Many people spend hours upon hours reading self help books, watching personal finance shows, investing programs and other such means of improving their lifestyle but rarely do they make the commitment required to get them selves out of debt. We all dream of being rich and making tons of money but the reality is that most of us will never be so fortunate. If your one of these people that really wants to make a commitment to getting out of debt and improving your lifestyle then you have a real shot.

Changing your spending habits is probably the primary requirement for getting out of debt. You need to learn to think about every purchase you make. Ask yourself do I really need this or is just something I'd like to have. There are some things in life you can't do without such as food, water, clothing, a car etc... But even when purchasing these things if you want to get out of debt you have to look at the purchase closely. Do you really need a NEW car or can you fix up the old one? Is a bag of candy bars really necessary? Do I have to have designer clothes?

Once you have gotten your personal spending undercontrol you will be well on your way to getting out of debt.

Jun 26, 2008

Blogging Out Of Debt | Learning How To Do It

OK June is turning out to be a pretty good month. I should profit over $250.00 this month. Considering I only do this in my spare time I'm very happy with the results. Each month so far I have been able to increase my profits and traffic to each of the sites I'm using for getting out of debt. Now I did not learn to blog out of debt on my own. While I am quite experienced in computer/network technology, when I started I didn't have a clue on how to make money using a website to get myself out of debt.

I have learned to blog out of debt from primarily three experienced individuals involved in making money on line. My main purpose of writing this post today is to show my appreciation to these individuals that have helped me get started on paying off my debt. Here is a list of people who's websites you need to read, re-read, and follow their advice if you want to learn how to get out of debt using websites.

1. Make Money Online with Grizzly - Griz and his website are what started me in my online adventures at getting out of debt. Grizzly will show you how to start this process using free web resources until you can start expanding.

2. Make Money Online with Vic at BloggerUnleashed. Vic will not hold any punches and has quite colorful language at times so be prepared. Vic's approach is somewhat different than those of Grizzly, but based on the same sound principals. Vic has gone above and beyond lately in a contest to show others how to make money online and I for one am extremely grateful. While I'm sucking horribly at the contest his teachings are what have allowed me to increase my getting out of debt income on my other sites.

3. Court and his Internet Marketing skills have been extremely valuable used in combination with both the sites listed above. Court's site alone could teach you all you need to know about getting out of debt using a blog. Court has just started a series of video blogs on why you need to start a blog that you should check out.

While I've mentioned just 3 people above they are not the only ones who's experience and knowledge I have utilized. Frank at Optemp, Terry at The Honest Way Make Money blog both have great sites with quality information to help you on your journey.

If your looking to use a website to get out of debt, pay off student loans or pay of credit cards you definitely need to follow the above individuals advice. Compared to what they individuals make online my little profits are chicken feed. However, I am looking at this whole process with a longer time frame in mind than most and realize that If I keep plugging away, I'll reach my goal of getting out of debt and then some.

Jun 11, 2008

Getting Out Of Debt Blogging | May Results

Blogging out of debt during May was tough. Hitting the brick wall with Google sandbox on many of my sites took its toll. I did still manage total revenues of $140.00 or there abouts. Considering the only thing it costs me each month is $9.00 for my web hosting plan and time of course, I'm fairly happy with the results. Having really just started the whole getting out of debt as a blogger plan, I'm very green at this whole process of blogging monetization process. I spent most of the latter part of the month of May working on some new projects that I have yet to add to my getting out of debt plan. June has started off really well so far and I've already broke the $70.00 mark and were only in the second week of the month. I have refocused my efforts and am working on expanding my portfolio of getting out of debt blogs to add additional revenue streams to my master plan. If you just joining my or have stumbled here by accident, It is my intention to blog myself out of debt over the next 5yrs. Wish me luck I'm sure I'll need it.

May 13, 2008

Blogging Out Of Debt Back On Track

As I mentioned in my last article my Blogging out of debt took a setback with the deindexing of all my ebay affiliate sites that I had created with build a niche store. While I took this pretty hard and wasn't sure I wanted to continue this project I decided to stick it out an see what happens. Well I still haven't gotten my BANS ebay stores reindexed yet but with some encouragement from a few fellow bloggers I stuck with some of my other blogging out of debt options.

I had created a few blogger blogs custom made to utilize the ebay affiliate program and they are starting to pay off. The best part is blogger blogs are absolutely free, except for my time that is. While it does take longer to build blogger blogs made for ebay as compared to the quick building process of Build A Stores my income from them this month is equal to what I have made so far this month with BANS. So far this month I have managed to make enough to pay my monthly hosting fees for my build a nich stores and combined with other online revenue I have made approx $30 profit so far for the month. All in all I don' t think this is too bad considering I have just started.

The nice thing with the custom ebay affiliate stores is that once I have them built, I really dont need to touch them any more. Its just a matter of working on getting interested buyers to the site. Getting traffic to my sites can be a bit of a challenge. Through the advice of many fellow bloggers, as well as, trial and error, I am starting to get the hang of it. My blogging to get out of debt is back on track again.

May 9, 2008

Setback To Getting Out Of Debt

I ran into a big snag this month while trying to get out of debt using websites. As many of you that make extra income using websites knows you must have Google search traffic to make a go of it. Unfortunately many of my websites that I created back in March were deindexed by Google on May 2nd. I'm not sure why this happened I can only speculate I got too aggressive promoting the websites and that flagged something in Google to sandbox my sites. This completely put a serious delay in my getting out of debt plan, since they sites have been non existent in web search. I am still getting some traffic to my get out of debt sites from Yahoo, MSN and a few of the links to my sites but not near enough. On a positive note I have made enough from to cover my monthly hosting fees so that will keep me from going further into debt. So long as I can cover my monthly expenses for this debt reduction plan I have I guess I cant complain too much since I've only been doing it for a few months. Going into this I knew the process of making money to pay off my debts using the Internet required a long term commitment.

May 1, 2008

Getting Out Of Debt Using Blogs

As I mentioned in my previous post I will be using this site to track my progress on getting out of debt. I started this process back at the beginning of Feburary after readying many different websites with tips on how to make money online. From my reading I determined the best way for me to get out of debt using online methods was to start by creating blogs and then utilize google adsence and other affiliate programs to draw in the money.

My inital trial consisted of creating 4 blogs each about different topics using free web hosting sites like blogger.com. Using many differnt sources of information to help me optimize my sites , I am glad to say that after 3 full months I am starting to see some regular traffic and income.

Last month's total revenue from many different affiliate programs was $164.00. I know that isnt much but its far better than the first months measly $4.

Since I am starting to see decent results for my efforts I will continue to purse blogging myself out of debt. I must warn you , if you decide to try something like this, it takes lots of work!!. You dont make extra income online by creating a website and sitting back doing nothing. I figure it will take me a couple years blogging out of debt to get where I want to be.

Apr 21, 2008

Blogging Out Of Debt | Deciding To Get Out Of Debt

I decided to create Blogging Out Of Debt to record my feelings, thoughts and experiences in trying to get out of debt. Let me start this by welcoming you all here and hope you find some useful information. Let me explain a Little bit of my history. First, I'm a mid aged father of 3 teenagers who has been married for 20 years. Reading the title of this site should let you know I'm in debt up to my neck. Several things led me to get into a situation where I have accumulated way to many bills and am trying to get myself out of debt. I went back to school at the age of 35 and tacked on 30,000 in student loans, my wife also has about the same amount, and I'm paying for my first child to go to college. I dont have a whole lot of credit card debt as several years ago I had filed bankruptcy and refuse to use them any more. The bulk of my debt is regular monthly bills compounded by the student loans, home loan and the expense that 3 children bring. I'm not writing this blog for any sympathy, I got myself in this position and I will get myself out of debt. One of the ways I have come up with to eliminate my debt and pay off my student loans is by blogging. I have set myself a goal to get out of debt in 5 years using online money making means as well as some occasional side work. On this site I will record both my successes and failures at trying to get out of debt.