May 13, 2008

Blogging Out Of Debt Back On Track

As I mentioned in my last article my Blogging out of debt took a setback with the deindexing of all my ebay affiliate sites that I had created with build a niche store. While I took this pretty hard and wasn't sure I wanted to continue this project I decided to stick it out an see what happens. Well I still haven't gotten my BANS ebay stores reindexed yet but with some encouragement from a few fellow bloggers I stuck with some of my other blogging out of debt options.

I had created a few blogger blogs custom made to utilize the ebay affiliate program and they are starting to pay off. The best part is blogger blogs are absolutely free, except for my time that is. While it does take longer to build blogger blogs made for ebay as compared to the quick building process of Build A Stores my income from them this month is equal to what I have made so far this month with BANS. So far this month I have managed to make enough to pay my monthly hosting fees for my build a nich stores and combined with other online revenue I have made approx $30 profit so far for the month. All in all I don' t think this is too bad considering I have just started.

The nice thing with the custom ebay affiliate stores is that once I have them built, I really dont need to touch them any more. Its just a matter of working on getting interested buyers to the site. Getting traffic to my sites can be a bit of a challenge. Through the advice of many fellow bloggers, as well as, trial and error, I am starting to get the hang of it. My blogging to get out of debt is back on track again.

May 9, 2008

Setback To Getting Out Of Debt

I ran into a big snag this month while trying to get out of debt using websites. As many of you that make extra income using websites knows you must have Google search traffic to make a go of it. Unfortunately many of my websites that I created back in March were deindexed by Google on May 2nd. I'm not sure why this happened I can only speculate I got too aggressive promoting the websites and that flagged something in Google to sandbox my sites. This completely put a serious delay in my getting out of debt plan, since they sites have been non existent in web search. I am still getting some traffic to my get out of debt sites from Yahoo, MSN and a few of the links to my sites but not near enough. On a positive note I have made enough from to cover my monthly hosting fees so that will keep me from going further into debt. So long as I can cover my monthly expenses for this debt reduction plan I have I guess I cant complain too much since I've only been doing it for a few months. Going into this I knew the process of making money to pay off my debts using the Internet required a long term commitment.

May 1, 2008

Getting Out Of Debt Using Blogs

As I mentioned in my previous post I will be using this site to track my progress on getting out of debt. I started this process back at the beginning of Feburary after readying many different websites with tips on how to make money online. From my reading I determined the best way for me to get out of debt using online methods was to start by creating blogs and then utilize google adsence and other affiliate programs to draw in the money.

My inital trial consisted of creating 4 blogs each about different topics using free web hosting sites like Using many differnt sources of information to help me optimize my sites , I am glad to say that after 3 full months I am starting to see some regular traffic and income.

Last month's total revenue from many different affiliate programs was $164.00. I know that isnt much but its far better than the first months measly $4.

Since I am starting to see decent results for my efforts I will continue to purse blogging myself out of debt. I must warn you , if you decide to try something like this, it takes lots of work!!. You dont make extra income online by creating a website and sitting back doing nothing. I figure it will take me a couple years blogging out of debt to get where I want to be.