Jul 7, 2008

Getting Out Of Debt Right On Schedule

I was amazed by my results for June and must say my Get out of Debt plan is progressing nicely. In a previous post I mentioned that I was going to pass $250 for the month, actually I passed $300. I'm quite pleased with my initial attempts and results at using online methods to help get out of debt, pay off my student loans and clear out those credit cards. I know I'm not getting rich at $300/month but let me tell you that's extra money I can use to make payments on a couple of my outstanding bills. If you'll notice since I've started I've had a pretty steady increase in online income and if it continues I should be right on track with my 5 year plan. Many people I know have told me I'm crazy spending my extra time doing this. The biggest thing people say is that you can't make enough extra income online to keep out of debt. Well If I hadn't changed my ways of thinking they probably would have been right. Getting out of debt as I mentioned before requires a complete change of lifestyle and way of thinking. I for one am glad to at least be making steps towards eliminating my debt and keeping my spending in line with my income. You don't see me getting my house foreclosed on. :) Well not yet anyway.
On a side note I just checked my stats for the month of July and I've already surpassed half of last month. Good thing I didn't listen to all those negative thinkers. Oh well time to call it a night tomorrow is another work day.