May 9, 2008

Setback To Getting Out Of Debt

I ran into a big snag this month while trying to get out of debt using websites. As many of you that make extra income using websites knows you must have Google search traffic to make a go of it. Unfortunately many of my websites that I created back in March were deindexed by Google on May 2nd. I'm not sure why this happened I can only speculate I got too aggressive promoting the websites and that flagged something in Google to sandbox my sites. This completely put a serious delay in my getting out of debt plan, since they sites have been non existent in web search. I am still getting some traffic to my get out of debt sites from Yahoo, MSN and a few of the links to my sites but not near enough. On a positive note I have made enough from to cover my monthly hosting fees so that will keep me from going further into debt. So long as I can cover my monthly expenses for this debt reduction plan I have I guess I cant complain too much since I've only been doing it for a few months. Going into this I knew the process of making money to pay off my debts using the Internet required a long term commitment.

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