Oct 13, 2008

Getting Out Of Debt Using Ebay

I haven't posted any getting out of debt updates lately as I've been busy working on my debt reduction plan. As many of you know much of my getting out of debt plan revolves around using affiliate programs like the Ebay publishers network. The flexibility that EPN allows when creating websites has proven to be a greate money maker for me. I've continued to average over $500 per month to apply to my outstanding debt using primarily the ebay affiliate program. Many people ran into issues over the last few month with some of the automated ebay store software and google. It seems google either didn't like the software or those using it weren't following Google's publishing policies. I did fall prey to some of the deindexing by Google on some of my EPN sites but overall I've still been able to continue to reduce my debt with the traffic I recieve from yahoo, msn and other search engines.

If you looking for the easiest way to get started in making extra income to reduce your debt consider utilizing the ebay publishers network. It does require having an ebay account, website and I recommend a paypal account as well. If you've never created a website I suggest starting with a blogger blog like this one to start working on your debt reduction plan. There are plenty of alternative ways to make extra income to pay down your debt, pay off bills or eliminate student loans. The biggest factor in using a website to create extra income for paying off debt is getting started. The longer you put it off the longer it will take. One of the biggest factors in getting a good site that can generate income for your debts is time. Websites in general carry more weight with the search engines the longer they have been around, that's why it's important to start working on your plan to get out of debt today. The second most important factor is getting links to your site. I'll cover that more later or send you some good sites to review. This isn't really an instructional site but more of a personal motivation site to let myself and others know that you can get out of debt with extra income from online options.

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