May 1, 2008

Getting Out Of Debt Using Blogs

As I mentioned in my previous post I will be using this site to track my progress on getting out of debt. I started this process back at the beginning of Feburary after readying many different websites with tips on how to make money online. From my reading I determined the best way for me to get out of debt using online methods was to start by creating blogs and then utilize google adsence and other affiliate programs to draw in the money.

My inital trial consisted of creating 4 blogs each about different topics using free web hosting sites like Using many differnt sources of information to help me optimize my sites , I am glad to say that after 3 full months I am starting to see some regular traffic and income.

Last month's total revenue from many different affiliate programs was $164.00. I know that isnt much but its far better than the first months measly $4.

Since I am starting to see decent results for my efforts I will continue to purse blogging myself out of debt. I must warn you , if you decide to try something like this, it takes lots of work!!. You dont make extra income online by creating a website and sitting back doing nothing. I figure it will take me a couple years blogging out of debt to get where I want to be.

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